Thursday, October 31, 2019

An Individuals Right to Refuse Medical Care Case Study

An Individuals Right to Refuse Medical Care - Case Study Example The historical perspective is, to be brief, the fact that Terri Schiavo had a head injury which significantly impaired her. An autopsy later revealed that her brain had no significant cognitive functioning, with no chance of recovery. Overall, â€Å"there is no easy fix that will make end-of-life decision making simple and conflict-free.†1 Legislation was put through allowing for feeding-tube removal. An individual has the right to refuse medical care, but usually, they will have to sign a form saying that they have been informed of their necessity for medical care—and are consciously making the decision not to receive medical care by outrightly refusing it. This has various potential outcomes, one of which is if appropriate medical treatment is not received, what will happen then? The moral and ethical issues present include the following: whether someone can or cannot insert a feeding tube without the patient’s consent; whether someone can or cannot insert an I V without the patient’s consent; and whether or not someone can or cannot hydrate a patient without the patient’s consent. Governor Jeb Bush passed â€Å"Terri’s Law,† stating that Terri’s feeding tube could be removed—a legislative move. My ethical position on the issue is that Terri’s feeding tube and hydration should not have been discontinued. In fact, I protested these end-of-life procedures when the Schiavo case was happening, in order to garner attention to how upset I felt that her rights were being violated.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

READING ANALUZES FOR ETHICS CLASS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

READING ANALUZES FOR ETHICS CLASS - Essay Example Instead, one must strengthen its ability to discern morally which can be developed through a regular and thoughtful deliberation of any ethical issue. Education is a pre requisite to be able to discern what could be morally appropriate in a given situation. This was demonstrated in the dialogue between Steed and Paxmore in the book â€Å"The Responsible Administrator† where Steed wondered how could the Watergate scandal happened. Paxmore explained that it is because â€Å"men without character . . . never comprehend the awful downward course they’re on†. Paxmore attributed this to lack of education where they went to â€Å"chrome and mirror schools where procedures are taught but not the principles†. Thus, they cannot contemplate about a moral problem in â€Å"the abstract where character is formed†. Having a grounded and educated moral compass within is necessary especially in public service where the interest of diverse groups collide that it would be difficult to discern what is ethically appropriate. Unlike in the early stages of the Republic where governance was truly intended to serve the greater good of society, governance today is already murky and peppered with self-interest after the adoption of spoil system. Thus, it becomes difficult what could be right or wrong and this pervades in all spheres of our public life. We need not look far for example how lack of ethics could be damaging. The recent financial crisis that made everybody’s life difficult where millions lost their jobs and thousands more lost their homes can be attributed directly for people lack of ethics or willful disregard for any concept of ethics. The financial scandals that rocked America from Enron, Worldcom to mortgage crisis all redound to greed which is a byproduct of lack of any sense of any ethical consideration. Worst, the crisis was not solely a financial crisis but also a crisis of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Attaining The Good Life Philosophy Essay

Attaining The Good Life Philosophy Essay Everyone should want to live the good life. Along with attaining the good life there are many definitions and interpretations of how to get there. People all around the world strive to live the good life each day. What may seem ordinary and boring to someone could be a dream or fantasy for someone who is less fortunate. There are two great days in a persons life- the day he is born and the day he discovers why he was born. In other words, when he discovers what he was meant to do with his life. There are plenty of people who have a desire to live the good life and really make the most of the fun available to them. People who have lived the good life by my definition which is one that has a balanced lifestyle, accomplished goals and dreams which are beneficial to a person and their loved ones, an education, and last but not least having stability through relationships, work, health, and money include Aristotle and Plato. Plato and Aristotle each had ideas on how to proceed with improv ing the society in which they were part of during their lifetime. It is necessary therefore to analyze their different theoretical approaches regarding their philosophical perspectives. A child in the less-developed parts Africa could only dream of living the life we live. They would see the good life as having an education, a safe place to live, clean food and water, and a more promising future. These things are given to us and should be implemented into our lives. Instead, we often find ourselves complaining about not having brand name clothes, or not going out to eat, or having to do homework. Many attempts have been made throughout history to better define the word happiness, and the two best-known philosophers in history, Plato and Aristotle, spent much of their studies on the subject. A good and happy life is one in which pleasures outweigh the pains overall. Many questions have been asked about the good life and happiness. People always answer those questions with their lives, and we see many different ideas of the good life and happiness playing out in the strivings of humanity to live well and be happy. Both Plato and Aristotle felt that happiness was an important factor of life. Platos notion of happiness was significantly different from those with normal views. He spent as much time undermining the traditional understanding of the good life as to describing his own conception. Plato considered happiness as a state of flawlessness that is hard to apprehend because it is based on metaphysical presuppositions that appear unclear for ordinary understanding. Aristotle s peaks of the good life as the happy life; he does not mean that the good life is merely one of feeling happy or amused. Rather, as the good life for a person is the active life of functioning well in those ways that are essential and unique to humans. Aristotles idea of the good life is very similar to mine because my definition the good life is merely one with a balanced lifestyle, accomplished goals and dreams, receiving an education, and stability in all aspects of life. These similarities and differences can be observed by exploring what Aristotle and Plato taught. Both Aristotle and Plato see the good life as the state in which a person exhibits total virtue. A virtue is total moral excellence. However, these philosophers disagree on the definition of virtue, and its relevance to happiness. Virtue is an essential component of the good life according to Aristotle.  The good life cannot be identified with virtue because being virtuous is consistent with leading an inactive domicile or with suffering greatly. As Plato reasoned, total virtue shows only when his desires have been extinguished. Aristotle argues that the good life is different for each individual because each person will have different virtues. Plato sees the good life as being achieved through the perfect love and lack of desire, while Aristotle believes that the good life is achieved through a perfect state that causes its citizens to act upon their virtues Aristotles ideas seem more practical and easier to follow whereas Platos works seem more complicated. Many people are unhappy because they fail to set or attempt to achieve goals. One must set new goals for themselves and do something each day towards its accomplishment. Being true to oneself is a must when setting goals. One must also keep in mind in order to live the good life the goals made should be positive so once they are achieved, only good things will come out of it. The worst thing in life is to live by what others say. Plato said, Apply yourself both now and in the next life. Without effort, you cannot be prosperous. Though the land be good, You cannot have an abundant crop without cultivation. One should live life on ones own terms and should always keep in mind that it is possible to live ones dreams. Aristotle said, Everyone who can live according to his own choice should adopt some goal for the good life be it honor or reputation or wealth or culture-a goal that he will keep in view in all his actionsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Mintoff 159). Ultimate happiness occurs when a perso ns actions and goals which are virtuous. The effects of lack of motivation have a negative impact on people. One will miss the sense of accomplishment and the satisfaction that comes with succeeding on a big scale. He will also lose the respect of his peers and will be excluded from the winners circle. He will no longer feel in control of his own destiny and in fact be a victim of circumstance. He will tend to earn far less than people of lesser intelligence and ability. One will also worry about the future because they fear they may not be able to deal with things. In 2006, the movie, The Pursuit of Happiness, was released. This movie was based on the true story of Christopher Gardners life. Gardner was a bright and talented employed salesman. He continued to struggle making ends meet, Gardner found himself and his five-year-old son evicted from their San Francisco apartment with nowhere to go. He and his son endured many hardships, including living in shelters and in public restrooms. In pursuit of his dream of a better life for the two of them, Gardner landed an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm. Although there was no salary, he accepted with the hope that he will end the program with a job and a promising future. He continued to honor his commitment as a loving and caring father, using the affection and trust his son has placed in him as an impetus to overcome the obstacles he faced. On the last day of the internship, he was called into an office. Chris was told him that he has been an excellent trainee. Aristotle took on a task similar in some respects to the one Plato conveyed out in the Republic. One of Platos main points is that it is a great advantage to set up a hierarchical ordering of the elements in ones soul, Unlike Aristotle, who would bring philosophy back to earth, Plato held that the unseen, heavenly, eternal things are more real that the things of our world, (Boyleston) and he shows how the traditional virtues can be interpreted to nurture or show the proper relation between reason and less rational elements of the psyche. Aristotles function argument shows in a general way that our good lies in the authority of reason, and the detailed studies of the particular virtues reveal how each of them involves the proper kind of ordering of the soul. Aristotles goal was to come to conclusions like Platos, but without relying upon the Platonic metaphysics that takes on a fundamental role in the argument of the Republic. The word metaphysics is defined as the study or theory of reality sometimes used more narrowly to refer to transcendent reality, that is, reality which lies beyond the physical world and cannot therefore be grasped by means of the senses. Plato believed in an inside out view of metaphysics which shows two realms to our reality the realm of changing, becoming things and a realm of fixed, and being forms, which are unchanging and that all things owe their reality. Aristotle saw in his outside in view, that there was only one level to our reality and that in it forms are found only within particular things, which have both form and matter. If there were not individual round things, there would be no such thing as the Form roundness. Forms do not exist separately or apart from particulars. Roundness, for example, has n o independent existence apart from particular round things. One cannot think the Form roundness without thinking of a particular round thing. The importance of education cannot be measured because it determines ones future. Its value is unmatchable. Without it, there will be ignorance, frustration, anger, and demise. With it, solutions, alternatives, and new ideas can be brought forth to further improve life itself. John Milton said, Nevertheless to write now the reforming of Education, though it be one of the greatest and noblest designs that can be thought on, and for the want whereof this Nation perishes . . .the knowledge and the use of which, cannot but be a great furtherance both to the enlargement of truth, and honest living, with much more peace. (Milton 96). We would not let uneducated officials run our country. As we learn from our mistakes, we are able to improve the next time around. Without education, improvement and progress would never be achieved. There is no greater purpose than using the mind to everyones best advantage because it is a gift given by God. Plato stated in the Republic, When the minds eye re sts on objects illuminated by truth and reality, it understands and comprehends them, and functions intelligently; but when it turns to the twilight world of change and decay, it can only form opinions, its vision is confused and its beliefs shifting, and it seems to lack intelligence (Plato). Both Plato and Aristotle concur that a good education is the way to attain virtue, but they disagree on how a person should be educated because of his differing views on the cause of virtue. By the means of education only ones potential can be used to maximum extent. Education teaches how to think, how to work properly, and how to make decisions. Through receiving an education, one can make a separate identity. Aristotle rejects the existence of Platos forms in general and the form of the good in particular; and he rejects the idea that in order to become fully virtuous one must study mathematics and the sciences, and see all branches of knowledge as a unified whole. Aristotle said, Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity. Aristotle believed that education should begin from birth and should involve changing the childs habits and forming his reason so that his nature, habits, and reason will align. Plato believed that virtue comes from an understanding of true beauty, which exists only in the higher plane of the world. Plato also believes that education should begin when the child is ready to love another. A valuable effect of education is creativity. Creativity can build a bridge in between seemingly different concepts of information or knowledge. People without morals will never do beneficial deeds in their life. A lack of morals in life is a huge problem. A person without morals is one who does not care to help others, who does not care to put themselves in others shoes, and who thinks he is better than everyone else. This is a common trait in wealthy people as well. However, not all wealthy people are like this. Those who are will never know what it is like to live a life a poor person lives, nor will they be concerned. They do not think it is necessary to give to the poor because they feel it is their own money. A person with a lack of morals cannot tell the difference between right and wrong. They have never been taught or never acknowledged true morals. He that has improved the virtue or advanced the happiness of one fellow-creature, he that has ascertained a single moral proposition, or added one useful experiment to natural knowledge, may be contented with his own performance, and, with respect to mortals like himself, may demand, like Augustus, to be dismissed at his departure with applause (Johnson 122). Lack of morals connects to the reasons why people make bad decisions in life. When people do drugs and drink uncontrollably, they see nothing wrong with it because no one told them it was wrong. If they were told, they ignored those who tried to save them from a life of failure. It is sad to see the amount of people who have addictions to certain things and rely on those things for survival. However, these addictions will never help, rather it will hurt them and effect he people around them as well. Lack of morals also leads to violence. Without evident morals people would just turn to violence in stressful situations. It is a proven fact that lack of morals leads to crime. Mary Wollstonecraft said, And, when you are examining your heart, if it would not be too much like mathematical drudgery, to which a fine imagination very reluctantly stoops, enquire further, how it is consistent with the vulgar notions of honesty, and the foundation of moralitytruth; for a man to boast of his vir tue and independence, when he cannot forget that he is at the moment enjoying the wages of falsehood; and that, in a skulking, unmanly way, he has secured himself a pension of fifteen hundred pounds per annum on the Irish establishment? (Wollstonecraft 129). It is morals that will make a person who they are. A balanced lifestyle is vital in living the good life. Ones lifestyle is made up of everything he does for example, work, school, social life, and of course personal time. A balanced lifestyle is a collection of all the activities and places that characterize who one is as a person. Ones lifestyle has an emotional impact on. If ones lifestyles net effect leaves him feeling bad about himself then changes in it are needed. Otherwise, it can lead to stress and depression. If one can accommodate all his activities and fit them in his schedule allowing time to relax and do things for himself, not only will he be happy but everyone around him will be as well. If ones lifestyle isnt balanced, he could find great stress-reduction benefits in taking a thorough inventory of his life and how he spends his time, and making changes. First, one must determine which areas were lacking, and then work on building up those areas. Stress is a normal physical response to events that make one feel threat ened or upset ones balance in some way. If one dwells over a stressful situation not only will they be able to see the good out of the situation but it could also lead to pain of any kind, heart disease, sleep problems, and depression. Keep in mind that there is always some good in every bad situation. In order to live the good life one must be able to handle stressful situations. Socializing with friends and family is also an important part of healthy living. Having a healthy social life means having a few close friends and confidants that one enjoys being with to share ideas, discuss important personal issues, and have a few good laughs. Being able to express oneself and sharing feelings will help one as he is going on with life because he will know that he has friends to talk to when times go bad. Bottling feelings inside will just hurt oneself more and will not be able to enjoy things he used to because of whatever burden he is going through. He will also withdraw themselves from all social happenings, which may give his friends the impression that something is being hidden. Keep in mind, not every detail has to be shared but being able to share thoughts and feelings help one feel more relieved and often helps with taking that extra load off ones back. For the purpose of living one has to assume that the personality is solid, and the self is an entity, and to ignore all contrary evidence. And since to ignore evidence is one of the characteristics of faith, I certainly can proclaim that I believe in personal relationships (Foster 182). Plato and Aristotle agree on the importance of interpersonal relationships in the quest for the good life. Both agree that interpersonal relationships account for the education of individuals, but Aristotle goes further because he sees attaining the good life as societal. By my definition of the good life, one must be positively stable in every aspect of his life. Being financially stable provides a healthy and safe way of living. Nevertheless, he will be able to support themselves and his family in the matter of food, water, and shelter. Money will always be a worry factor but if money is handled the right way then it is easy to remain stable. Good, stable health keeps ones mind sharp, doctor bills low, a longer lifespan in some cases, and lets one work more to make more money. Plato agreed with this and said, Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it. One must remain active because a sedentary lifestyle is not beneficial to ones health. The good life is simply success though stability, accomplished goals and dreams, and a balanced lifestyle. Peace comes with contentment. Harmony is achieved through balance. Stability revolves around rationalization. The good life with out either element; contentment, balanced rationalization cannot be achieved in its true essence. If we started to appreciate what is given to us we would truly see how easy it is to fully understand and live the good life. Lets make the best out of our life for those kids in Africa and other third world countries. Lets better ourselves so we can make a difference so those unprivileged people can live the good life as well. It is obvious that both Plato and Aristotle had a different concept of the good life, but their ideas behind living the good life support my opinion. Human happiness is the primary concern for both Plato and Aristotle in their works of literature. Since happiness is almost a universal emotion their conclusions on the cause of happiness are similar. However, Plato and Aristotle are completely different individuals, so the causes of their happiness are completely different. Achieving the good life was viewed by both philosophers as being a life-long task with several aspects to keep in mind. Their basic conceptions and appreciation of life were prominent throughout their studies of how to achieve the good life. Sometimes, big effects come from little causes. For example, when making bread one has to use flour and water and then he knead the dough. If he forgets to add just a little bit of yeast, he will end up with an unappetizing hockey puck. A big effect, like a healthier person, calls for a lot of big causes, like eating better and exercising more. Sometimes just a little change can make a big difference. To live the good life one must go through the whole process of trial and error.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Joe Keller in All My Sons Essay -- Arthur Miller

How to Make Joe Keller Look Bad KELLER: Say, I ain’t got time to get sick. MOTHER: He hasn’t been laid up in fifteen years. KELLER: Except my flu during the war. MOTHER: Huhh? KELLER: My flu, when I was sick during†¦the war. MOTHER: Well, sure†¦(to George) I mean except for that flu. (George stands perfectly still) Well, it slipped my mind, don’t look at me that way. He wanted to go to the shop but he couldn’t lift himself off the bed. I thought he had pneumonia. GEORGE: Why did you say he’s never-? KELLER: I know how you feel, kid, I’ll never forgive myself. If I could’ve gone in that day I’d never allow Dad to touch those heads. GEORGE: She said you’ve never been sick. MOTHER: I said he was sick, George. George: (going to Ann) Ann, didn’t you hear her say-? MOTHER: Do you remember every time you were sick? GEORGE: I’d remember pneumonia. Especially if I got it just the day my partner was going to patch up cylinder heads†¦What happened that day, Joe? In the above lines, Arthur Miller pulls back the veil that has been hiding Joe Keller’s past in All My Sons. Not only are these lines critical to the remainder of the play’s events, but many of the characters also switch emotions almost instantly. With the significance and delicateness of these lines at stake, a director has the responsibility of conveying the language to the audience with only a few pre-existing stage directions as aid. One major way to convey these lines is to remain consistent with how he/she is portraying each character to make them still feel convincing to the audience. If directed effectively, Joe Keller’s departure from all prior characterization will be even more noticeable. In addition to other possibilities, the... ...l be no happy ending. The chaos George brought into Act II will only magnify after this speech. This section is in essence, the loss of stability in the Keller family. Keller is reduced to a shell of his former self as the audience takes on the beliefs of Chris through the remainder of the play. This scene will hopefully result in frustration towards Keller so that his â€Å"You’re a boy, what could I do!† (Miller 2.646) speech does not merit much pity. We realize that although Keller was misunderstood, he lived a lie too long. At the play’s end, this scene acted from my viewpoint should give the audience the feeling that even though Keller’s suicide is tragic, it is these lines that killed him. Works Cited Richardson, Gary A. and Stephen Watt, eds. American Drama: Colonial to Contemporary. Cambridge. MA: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 2003.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hnrs. Renaissance History Chapter 17 & 18 Study Guide Essay

1. The two most important influences on Enlightenment thought were who? John Locke and Isaac Newton 2. After 1688, Great Britain permitted religious toleration to which groups? Lutherans, Jews, and Muslims 3. This nation was significantly freer than any other European nation at the beginning of the Enlightenment. What nation is this? Great Britain 4. An expanding, literate public and the growing influence of secular printed materials created a new and increasing influential social force called what? public opinion 5. Written by Voltaire in English and later translated to French, this book praised the virtues of the English, especially their religious liberty, and implicitly criticized the abuses of French society. What is this book’s title? Letters on the English 6. Philosophies criticized the Christian church for many things, but not for what? Taking too limited a role in national politics. 7. The two major points in the Deists’ creed were what? The belief in an afterlife dependent upon one’s earthly actions and the existence of a rational God. 8. Which of the following figures came closest to atheism in their religious thinking? Baron d’Holbach 9. According to Ethics, the most famous of his works, this man closely identified God and nature, an idea for which his contemporaries condemned him. Who was this? Spinoza 10. This 18th century philosopher was known as the â€Å"Jewish Socrates†. Who is this man? Mendelssohn 11. Pascal and other critics saw this as an exceptionally carnal or sexually promiscuous religion because of its teaching that heaven was a place of sensuous delights. What is this religion? Islam 12. The Encyclopedia did what? secularized learning and spread Enlightenment ideas throughout Europe 13. He published On Crimes and Punishments, in which he applied critical analysis to the problem of making punishments both effective an d just. Who is this? Marquis Cesare Beccaria 14. Adam Smith advocated what? The ending of England’s mercantile system. 15. According to Smith, government should provide what? Schools, armies, navies and roads. 16. According to Smith’s four-stage theory, human societies moved from where to where? Barbarism to Civilization 17. The most important political thought of the Enlightenment occurred in what country? France 18. He contended that the process of civilization and the Enlightenment had corrupted human nature. Who is he? Rousseau 19. Based on his ideas and traditions, most 18th-century political thinkers regarded human beings as individuals and society as a collection of individuals pursing personal, selfish goals. Who is this? John Locke 20. Most European thinkers associated with the Enlightenment favored what? the extension of European empires across the world 21. Herder is famous for his early views concerning what? cultural relativism 22. The philosophies generally were not what? avid feminists 23. He maintained that women were not naturally inferior to men and that women should have a wider role in society. He was also sympathetic in his observations concerning the value placed on women’s appearance and the prejudice women met as they aged. Who was he? Montesquieu 24. Which of the following styles of art utilizes lavish, often lighthearted decoration with an emphasis on pastel colors and the play of light? Rococo 25. Which of the following styles of art embodies a return to figurative and architectural modes drawn from the Renaissance and the ancient world? Neoclassicism 26. Neoclassical paintings were didactic rather than emotional and their subject matter usually concerned what? Public life or public morals. 27. He was a strong monarchist who in 1759 published a History of the Russian Empire under Peter the Great, which declared, â€Å"Peter was born, and Russia was formed!† Who said this? Voltair e 28. Monarchs such as Joseph II and Catharine II made â€Å"enlightened† reforms as part of their drive to do what? Increase revenues and gain political support. 29. This monarch embodies enlightened absolutism more than any other. He/she forged a state that commanded the loyalty of the military, the junker nobility, the Lutheran clergy, and a growing bureaucracy? Frederick the Great 30. Monarchs associated with enlightened absolutism included all of the following rulers: Maria Theresa, Joseph II, Frederick the Great, Catherine II 31. Of all the rising states of the 18th century, this state was the most diverse in its people and problems. What is this state? Austria 32. Maria Theresa of Austria did all of the following: limited the amount of labor the nobility could demand from peasants; established a very efficient tax system; expanded primary education; created central councils to deal with political problems 33. Joseph II of Austria: sought to improve the productivity and social conditions of the peasantry 34. Catherine the Great of Russia did what? built a strong alliance with the nobility 35. As part of her territorial aspirations, Catherine the Great painlessly annexed what newly independent state in 1783? Crimea 36. King Louis XVI convened the Estates General in order to do what? raise tax revenues 37. The French parlements spoke for the interests of what group? The Aristocracy 38. He was responsible for the introduction of the revolutionary land tax that all landowners would have to pay regardless of their social status. Who is he? Charles Alexandre de Calonne 39. The parliament of Paris declared that only the_______________ could establish new taxes. Estates General 40. The Second Estate of the Estates General was made up of what group? The Nobility 41. By the following way the aristocracy attempted to limit the influence of the Third Estate. What is this attempt? They demanded that each estate have an equal number of representatives 42. The cahiers de doleances presented to the king included all of the following grievances: Government waste, corruption, indirect taxes, and the hunting rights of the aristocracy. 43. The Tennis Court Oath refers to an oath taken by what party? National Assembly to give France a constitution 44. Throughout the winter and spring of 1789, the high prices for what commodity produced many riots? Bread 45. â€Å"The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen† was proclaimed by what group? the National Constituent Assembly 46. During the Great Fear what happened? Peasants reclaimed rights and property they had lost to aristocratic resurgence. 47. Which of the following best describes the form of government pursued by the National Constituent Assembly? constitutional monarchy 48. According to the suffrage stipulations of the Constitution of 1791, approximately how many of France’s 25 million citizens were qualified to vote? 50,000 49. The Chapelier Law did what? forbade workers’ associations 50. The Roman Catholic Church condemned the _________________________. French Revolution 51. The following statement about the Jacobins are not true: they were the most conservative political group in the National Constituent Assembly 52. The term â€Å"sans culottes† was used in revolutionary France to refer to what? Workers 53. The sans culottes wanted what above all else? Democracy 54. Louis XVI was condemned to death on the charge of what? Conspiring against the liberty of the people. 55. As Prime Minister of England, William Pitt the Younger did what? Suppressed reform AND popular movements 56. The following best summarizes Edmund Burke’s view of the French Revolution: He believed it was shortsighted and politically ignorant 57. By April 1793, the following countries were at war with France: Spain, Great Britain, Austria, and Prussia 58. Issued in August of 1793, the là ©vee en masse was a what? military requisition on the entire population 59. By late 1794, the French army was the _______________________ in European history. Largest army 60. The core value of the republic of virtue created by the revolution was what? Public good over private good 61. The following was not part of the ideology embraced by Maximilien de Robespierre? Embrace Christianity 62. Many victims of the Reign of Terror were subject to what â€Å"humane† form of execution? Guillotine 63. The Law of 22 Prairial, passed on June 10 of 1794, permitted the _________ __________________________ without substantial evidence. conviction of counterrevolutionaries 64. The Thermidorian reaction resulted in all of the following: a pull back from the radical revolution; a new constitution; the closing of the Paris Jacobin Club; the reduction of the political power of the sans culottes 65. The â€Å"Bands of Jesus† did what? murdered suspected Jacobins 66. The following best summarizes the comparison of freedoms exercised by women before 1789 versus after 1795? Women had more freedom before 1789 67. The French Revolution has often been considered a victory of what group? Bourgeoisie 68. The Treaties of Basel in March and June 1795 concluded peace with whom? Spain and Prussia

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Softball vs baseball

It may become obvious one day that baseball and fast pitch softball although similar are two very different sports. Obvious in the sense that fast pitch softball is just as physically demanding as baseball. That females softball athletes are every bit as tough of the males baseball who play a similar sport. The similarities are what groups the two sports together but the Intensity on the passion for the game of softball far exceeds that of baseball. Softball and baseball have always been lumped together due to their similarities.The sport of softball is for females where assessable is more geared toward males, with some exceptions of female team members. Taking a closer look Into the whole sport is what sets them apart. At first, spectators see the similarities, the fields lined in white chalk, bats, balls, bases and gloves. Someone in the crowd may even notice that base path distance varies between the two sports, and correctly so. They may even notice that the pitcher throws the ba ll under hand, in a windmill motion in softball opposed to overhand In baseball.All of these are good visual observations of the differences but the feelings of entertainment do not start until the games actually begin. Baseball has been American's past time for many years. It was and still continues to be a place where fathers and sons share a special day together. Memories are and were made at ball parks and the anticipation of catching a foul ball was top on the list. Sure there are still families who truly enjoy the sport and share the passion of watching a game but it has lost its appeal for many reasons.The professional players are expected to make the big plays and get dirty when doing it. They have salaries in the millions; a little dirty Is expected from the crowds. Along with some of the attitudes of these layers, they passion Is lost and It has Just become a Job. The childhood passion Is forgotten and misplaced by the fame and fortune that has taken its place. Softball pa rks are mainly reserved for school aged children, high school and college aged teams. The seating Is comprised of metal benches on either side of the field, a lot less luxurious than the seating at a baseball park.Many spectators bring fold out chairs and sit near the fence lines to watch the games. The crowds do not compare to that of a baseball game but yet there is something electrifying in the atmosphere. Why? The grass is the same, so Is the equipment and uniforms of the players. It's lust a bunch of girls with pony tailed hair who are dressed In boys' uniforms and shoes. The girls wear mouth pieces and have non glare make-up under their eyes, not worrying about losing their feminine side, its game time.These similarities fade when the umpire yells â€Å"batter up† and the batter steps into the batter's box. The Immediate rehearsed chants and synchronized claps start from the dugout of the away team, encouraging the crowd to participate which they do so enthusiastically. The crowd is immediately an active participant in the game from the very beginning. The batters are not swinging for the fences but rather strategically placing the ball on the field to obtain base runners. The game Is fast paced and fielded players are always In constant motion, keeping the eyes of the crowd engaged.There Is no lollygagging like in baseball where the crowd's attention is focused on something 1 OFF purchase at a ridiculously high price. The excitement of the crowds' involvement and the epic battle between pitcher and batter has begun. The sixty feet of distance teen the two provides very little reaction time of the batter, thus intensifying the entertainment value of the game. The females on the field are sacrificing their bodies to make the plays, which they often do.They are not afraid or apprehensive to dive for a ball to make the catch or slide head first to be safe at the base. The crowds lose control during these plays and the noise level is elevated, a fire is fueled. These are scenarios common in both sports but baseball players being male are more expected to do so, losing some of the wow factor that softball players provide. The stereotype of the well manicured, dainty female is bypassed when you see a grass stained uniform of a softball player.These players are totally submerged in the game and the only concern is to win. Not a cracked fingernail or hair out of place. The dugout chants increase vocally with every passing inning Just as the uniforms original colors fade from clean to dirt covered. By the seventh inning at least one player on the field has blood visible to the crowd. The game is over but the atmosphere is still alive. Each team shakes hands as acts of sportsmanship Just like assessable players will do.However, unlike baseball the softball players enter a circle on the field by their dugouts. They are still chants being yelled, especially if the team wins. The celebration is not a meager baseball high five or a slap o n the backside as recognition. These girls are animated and their intensity is contagious. Challenge you to visit a local softball park and experience the true passion for the sport. Softball is similar is similar to baseball in many ways but more entertaining and crowd participation thus setting this sport above mostly all baseball games.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Profile of Demeter the Greek Goddess

Profile of Demeter the Greek Goddess Demeter is a goddess of fertility, grain, and agriculture. She is pictured as a mature motherly figure. Although she is the goddess who taught mankind about agriculture, she is also the goddess responsible for creating winter and a mystery religious cult. She is usually accompanied by her daughter Persephone. Occupation: Goddess The family of Origin: Demeter was a daughter of the Titans Cronus and Rhea, and so a sister of the goddesses Hestia and Hera, and the gods Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus. Demeter in Rome: The Romans referred to Demeter as Ceres. The Roman cult of Ceres was initially served by Greek priestesses, according to Cicero in his Pro Balbo oration. For the passage, see Turas Ceres. In Graeco Ritu: A Typically Roman Way of Honoring the Gods [Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 97, Greece in Rome: Influence, Integration, Resistance (1995), pp. 15-31], author John Scheid says the foreign, Greek cult of Ceres was imported to Rome in the middle of the third century B.C. Ceres was also referred to as Dea Dia in connection with a three-day May Ambarvalia festival, according to Tibullus and the Ambarvalia, by C. Bennett Pascal, in The American Journal of Philology, Vol. 109, No. 4 (Winter, 1988), pp. 523-536. Also see Ovids Amores Book III.X, in an English translation: No Sex Its the Festival Of Ceres. Attributes: The attributes of Demeter are a sheaf of grain, a conical headdress, a scepter, a torch, and a sacrificial bowl. Persephone and Demeter: The story of Demeter is usually combined with the story of the abduction of her daughter Persephone. Read this story in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. Eleusinian Mystery: Demeter and her daughter are at the center of the widest spread Greek mystery cult the Eleusinian Mysteries a mystery religion that was popular in Greece and in the Roman Empire. Named for the location in Eleusis, the mystery cult may have started in the Mycenaean period, according to Helene P. Foley, in The Homeric hymn to Demeter: translation, commentary, and interpretive essays. She says that substantial remains of the cult begin in the 8th century B.C., and that the Goths destroyed the sanctuary a few years before the start of the fifth century A.D. The Homeric Hymn to Demeter is the oldest record of the Eleusinian Mysteries, but it is a mystery and we dont really know what transpired. Mystery Cults of the Ancient World Review Myths Involving Demeter: Myths about Demeter (Ceres) re-told by Thomas Bulfinch include: ProserpineThe Rural DeitiesCupid and Psyche Orphic Hymn to Demeter (Ceres): Above, I provided a link to the so-called Homeric Hymn to Demeter (in public domain English translation). It tells of the abduction of Demeters daughter Persephone and the trials the mother went through to find her again. The Orphic hymn paints a picture of the nurturing, fertility goddess. XXXIX.TO CERES. O Universal mother, Ceres famdAugust, the source of wealth, and various namd: 2Great nurse, all-bounteous, blessed and divine,Who joyst in peace, to nourish corn is thine:Goddess of seed, of fruits abundant, fair, 5Harvest and threshing, are thy constant care;Who dwellst in Eleusinas seats retird,Lovely, delightful queen, by all desird.Nurse of all mortals, whose benignant mind,First ploughing oxen to the yoke confind; 10And gave to men, what natures wants require,With plenteous means of bliss which all desire.In verdure flourishing in honor bright,Assessor of great Bacchus, bearing light: Rejoicing in the reapers sickles, kind, 15Whose nature lucid, earthly, pure, we find.Prolific, venerable, Nurse divine,Thy daughter loving, holy Proserpine:A car with dragons yokd, tis thine to guide, 19And orgies singing round thy throne to ride: 20Only-begotten, much-producing queen,All flowers are thine and fruits of lovely green.Bright Goddess, come, with Summers rich increaseSwelling and pregnant, leading smiling Peace;Come, with fair Concord and imperial Health, 25And join with these a needful store of wealth. From: The Hymns of OrpheusTranslated by Thomas Taylor [1792]

Monday, October 21, 2019

Friends and Amici

Friends and Amici Friends and Amici Friends and Amici By Maeve Maddox English boasts numerous words to convey aspects of friendship. Some are Germanic in origin and others, Latin. An early Old English word for friend was freond. The Beowulf poet tells us that Heorot (Hrothgar’s hall) was filled with friends: Heorot innan wà ¦s freondum afylled. The opposite of Old English freond was feond: â€Å"enemy.† In modern English, the word that initially referred to a human foe has developed into the word fiend: â€Å"an evil spirit.† In the most general sense, a friend is â€Å"a person with whom one has developed a close and informal relationship of mutual trust and intimacy.† In specific contexts, friend can refer to an ally in war, the supporter of a cause, or, with a capital, a Quaker (member of the religious Society of Friends). The adjective for friend is friendly: â€Å"characteristic of or befitting a friend or friends; that expresses or is indicative of friendship or a kind and helpful attitude.† Friendly is also used as a noun to mean â€Å"an ally.† In US colonial times, â€Å"a friendly† was an indigenous person who was on peaceful terms with the settlers. In modern military parlance, friendlies are troops on the side of one’s own forces or those of one’s allies. The abstract noun for the state of being a friend is friendship. The use of friend as a verb to describe the adding of a person to a list of social media contacts (dating from 2004) is still regarded as a barbarism by many English speakers, but friend was used as a verb as early as the 13th century. For several centuries, the verb befriend was in more common use, but the modern use of friend and unfriend as verbs is idiomatic. The use of friend in the context of social media does not negate the usefulness of befriend to refer to a genuine personal contact in which one person helps another. The Latin word for friend, amicus (plural, amici), has given English several additional words to convey cordial feelings: amiability noun: quality of being friendly amiable adjective: friendly amiably adverb: in a friendly manner amicability noun: friendliness amicable adjective: done in a friendly spirit amicably adverb: in a friendly manner amity noun: friendly relations, especially of a public character The legal term amicus curiae  (plural, amici curiae), literally â€Å"friend of the court,† refers to a person or group that is not a party to a lawsuit, but has a strong interest in the matter. An amicus curiae will petition the court for permission to submit a brief in the action with the intent of influencing the courts decision. A brief is a written statement that explains one sides legal and factual arguments. The brief submitted to the court by an amicus curiae is called â€Å"an amicus brief.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them)Social vs. Societal20 Slang Terms for Law Enforcement Personnel

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Career as an Adoption Counselor

Adoption is the process by which a person undertakes parenting of another person and permanently transfers all the rights and responsibilities of biological parents or parents in the process. Unlike custody or other systems designed to take care of young people, adoption is designed to achieve a permanent change in position, so legal or social recognition is necessary to gain social recognition Religious sanctions are necessary. Adoption shifts emphasis from adult adoption to genetics, and to the creation of children and families, and its structure has shifted to allowing reduction in intensity from the recognition of the continuity of adoption and relatives . Introduction Counselors support people in personal, family, educational, mental health, and career decisions and coping with problems (Counselor 1). Although it is part of their work to help students plan universities and careers, the overall function of counselors is to tell students, give advice, listen to questions, deal wit h coping skills Help them stretch out and learn to be good problem solvers and decision makers for them. (Your guidance consultant). Specifically, the school counselor plays an important role. A career counselor, also called an employment counselor or a career counselor, usually provides career counseling outside the school. Their main focus is to help individuals make career decisions. Career consultants will investigate and evaluate client education, training, practical experience, interests, skills, and personality traits. They can arrange capacity tests and performance tests to help clients make their career decisions. They also work with individuals to refine their job search skills, assist clients in finding jobs and applying. In addition, career counselors will support problems of unemployed people, work stress, or other career migration issues. The school counselor needs assistance, regardless of whether you are a high school student, needing information, choosing a career o r talking about personal problems. As a high school graduate, students are aware of their career and the role of counselors in the future. School counselors are there at every stage. School counselors play multiple roles in student life. Prior to this, counselors and students must understand each other so that students feel comfortable. (Working Introduction, 2011) When ... I think that the next important element in multicultural ability is cultural skills. A skilled counselor will use customer-based intervention to meet customer needs. Positive responses are linked to different cultures, communication is important. In multicultural counseling, counselors need to know more about the limits of counseling skills. I feel that acquiring cultural skills is essential to serve multicultural people.

Friday, October 18, 2019

American Culture Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American Culture Analysis - Essay Example Interestingly, the American society has remained quite receptive towards all sorts of cultures. It was found in the 1990 census that racial minority groups in US were growing seven times faster than the majority (Qasawa). The freedom of expression is one quality of American culture that appeals to me the most, though their straightforwardness sometimes sounds too bitter (Kwintessential). Americans celebrate life. They hang out with friends, party and enjoy. Being a first world country, American people are much privileged than most of the other nations of the world. Partying is an important feature of the American culture. Partying is ingrained in the American ideology. People look forward to opportunities to get together. American’s don’t need special occasions to party. They may party when someone wins a match or when someone buys a new pet. There can be any reason to party. Most importantly, the parties do not have to be expensive enough to be enjoyed. Friends may get together upon a large pizza, and it can be just as enjoyable as a grand ceremony.

Ethnocentrism within the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethnocentrism within the United States - Essay Example One of the thriving industries is the weight lose industry. In other parts of the world, someone overweight is considered to be wealthy and prosperous, yet American media is filled with images and examples that show being over weight as a bad thing (Ankerl, 2000). American media is viewed as demonizing to other cultures that are not American, in American movies the bad guys always seem to be related to current issues. In 1980s the bad guy would be a Russian because of the cold war. Presently the bad guy seems to be a Muslim due to terrorism. Immigrants get shocked at the amount of violence and sex exposed on television when they move to America. The dressing system in America is very different from other culture especially the Islamic culture. Muslim women dress in a fashion that would cover most parts of their bodies with just the eyes left visible at times. This diversity contrasts with the American way that allows women to dress as they like. While Americans feel the other way of dressing is strange, the other group feels the American way is provocative (, 2010). For a multicultural society in American, ethnocentrism is a great hindrance. It makes those feeling superior to think their way of things is always right and not giving other room to have their say. This makes the minority have a hard time trying to embrace a multicultural identity especially among immigrants. Turntoislam (2010). Ethnocentrism in America and random thoughts. Retrieved April 25, 2014 from

Implementation Challenges and Methodology for ERP Implementation Essay

Implementation Challenges and Methodology for ERP Implementation - Essay Example The researcher states that the major benefit associated with the implementation of ERP within organizations is its ability to increase the productivity of the organizations, through increasing the timely, continuous and widely applicable real-time business information. This enables organizations to plan well for their different operations. Nevertheless, the implementation of the ERP can be marred by varied challenges, which combine to reduce the chances of the implementation success. This, therefore, requires that the implementation of ERP should apply a methodology that minimizes such challenges, and thus delivers the expected benefit of the ERP system to the organization with minimal associated costs. The methodology applied to implement an ERP should, therefore, be loaded with the essential critical success factors, to ensure that the organization is able to start enjoying the benefits of an ERP system from the very beginning and that such benefits are sustainable. The discussion analyses ERP implementation as a global technology transfer project, which can enable Roll-Royce to transform from its initial legacy system into enjoying the full benefits of the ERP thought its multinational operations. Technology Transfer refers to a process by which the knowledge and information that is embedded within a technology by the technology creator are put into practical use by the user of the technology. Therefore, the implementation of the ERP system in Roll Royce does not only entail the application of the ERP equipment, but also the know-how. Therefore, the challenge facing the global implementation does not only entail the challenges of the conveyance process from the vendor/creator of the ERP system to the organization, but also the subsequent challenges involving the adoption, possession, and promotion of the ERP by the organization.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

American History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

American History - Assignment Example The subsequent American Revolution saw the emergence of the new and proud country, confident of carving an area for themselves, which eventually resulted in the formation of the United States of America. This rightful fight against oppression and the subsequent and successful expansion across geographical areas in North America became ordained as a part of ‘manifest destiny’ was first coined by journalist John O’Sullivan in 1839. According to him, â€Å"It is so destined, because the principle upon which a nation is organized fixes its destiny, and that of equality is perfect, is universal. It presides in all the operations of the physical world, and it is also the conscious law of the soul -- the self-evident dictates of morality, which accurately defines the duty of man to man, and consequently mans rights as man† (O’Sullivan). Sullivan’s words actually provided a justification and even motivation for the expansion based on principles of â⠂¬Ëœduty of man to man’ that it sort of became a divine right to encroach upon and conquer areas that did not adhere to this principle. In the words, it formed the right to take control of any territory and allow people who believed in freedom to populace it. But, from the words of Owsley and Smith, this divine right had degraded to the extent of ‘might is right’ as seen in subsequent events. According to the authors, â€Å"the natural right of expansion, however, unquestionably lay in the power to conquer. What ultimately made expansion not only possible but apparently inevitable was not some transcendent destiny but rather the absence of a powerful neighbor to check its progress† (Owsley and Smith, 1997, p.10). It is true that the United States has become a powerful and unified entity as a nation due to this concept. The failure of Soviet Union as a unified nation, and the embracing by China, capitalistic principles, have proved that the policy of freedo m of individuals

'All These Things That Ive Done' by The Killers Essay

'All These Things That Ive Done' by The Killers - Essay Example In the eyes and realm of God everyone is but a child waiting to be rescued, yet asking to be a part of God's work. The song, 'All These Things That I've Done', is really told in the context of one of the last lines of the song that says, "I got soul, but I'm not a soldier". The singer is telling the listener that he is a part of God, and believes in God, but hasn't yet surrendered to him. The singer longs to reach the interdependent state of oneness with God, but has yet to take the leap of faith. This may be a simple fear of the unknown, or may be because he simply does not understand how to surrender. Still, the desire is there to be a part of God, and have God rescue him. It is like the lady that is overwhelmed by life and pleads, "Everybody seemed to be counting on me; depending on me. But I wanted to depend on somebody" (Warren). God is a two way street where man is dependent on God, and God needs man's dedication. In the interdependent world people long to be the responsible, y et they also need someone to lean on. They need to be a soul and a soldier. The singer in the song realizes this shortcoming and is still seeking his identity with God. The singer sets the stage for the song in the opening phrases and points the listener to the religious basis of the material. In addition, he specifies the Christian religion. One of the opening lines, "When there's nowhere else to run, is there room for one more son" is a reference to Jesus as the son of God. This coincides with the Christian belief in Jesus as the Son of God, and illustrates the singer's belief that we are all children of God. He realizes that there is "room for one more son", but hasn't yet accepted the path to God. In addition, the singer is seeking God out of some fear as the line portrays the desperation of "nowhere left to run". The singer has been given the freedom of choice, the free will, and has postponed his becoming a child of God. Wildavsky states that, "Given human fallibility, and temptation to evil, the most the Almighty can do is show the way" (41). God has shown the singer the way, but the singer is still reluctant to take the steps needed to beco me a true child of God. The song further illustrates the singer's insecurity with God, and the ambiguous dedication that vacillates through time with the line "And my affection, well it comes and goes". The singer's soul moves in and out of grace as he searches for his meaning of God, and searches for his individual identity with God. The use of the word "affection" is an important indicator of his love for God and his will to be a part of God, yet is still lukewarm to a total dedication to the cause. The insecurity and unsure nature of his convictions are further shown in the lyric, "You know, you know - no, you don't, you don't". The singer is a soul that is caught in the limbo between intellectual understanding and action. His tepid love for God comes and goes, as his trust in God as all-knowing is there one moment and vanishes the next. The song's lack of trust in God may stem from the lack of trust in God's total knowledge and experience. The line "You know, you know - no, you don't, you don't', brings into question what it is that God does not know. On the one hand the singer contends, "I need direction to perfection", yet is unable to completely believe in God's perfection. Here again, the song exemplifies the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Implementation Challenges and Methodology for ERP Implementation Essay

Implementation Challenges and Methodology for ERP Implementation - Essay Example The researcher states that the major benefit associated with the implementation of ERP within organizations is its ability to increase the productivity of the organizations, through increasing the timely, continuous and widely applicable real-time business information. This enables organizations to plan well for their different operations. Nevertheless, the implementation of the ERP can be marred by varied challenges, which combine to reduce the chances of the implementation success. This, therefore, requires that the implementation of ERP should apply a methodology that minimizes such challenges, and thus delivers the expected benefit of the ERP system to the organization with minimal associated costs. The methodology applied to implement an ERP should, therefore, be loaded with the essential critical success factors, to ensure that the organization is able to start enjoying the benefits of an ERP system from the very beginning and that such benefits are sustainable. The discussion analyses ERP implementation as a global technology transfer project, which can enable Roll-Royce to transform from its initial legacy system into enjoying the full benefits of the ERP thought its multinational operations. Technology Transfer refers to a process by which the knowledge and information that is embedded within a technology by the technology creator are put into practical use by the user of the technology. Therefore, the implementation of the ERP system in Roll Royce does not only entail the application of the ERP equipment, but also the know-how. Therefore, the challenge facing the global implementation does not only entail the challenges of the conveyance process from the vendor/creator of the ERP system to the organization, but also the subsequent challenges involving the adoption, possession, and promotion of the ERP by the organization.

'All These Things That Ive Done' by The Killers Essay

'All These Things That Ive Done' by The Killers - Essay Example In the eyes and realm of God everyone is but a child waiting to be rescued, yet asking to be a part of God's work. The song, 'All These Things That I've Done', is really told in the context of one of the last lines of the song that says, "I got soul, but I'm not a soldier". The singer is telling the listener that he is a part of God, and believes in God, but hasn't yet surrendered to him. The singer longs to reach the interdependent state of oneness with God, but has yet to take the leap of faith. This may be a simple fear of the unknown, or may be because he simply does not understand how to surrender. Still, the desire is there to be a part of God, and have God rescue him. It is like the lady that is overwhelmed by life and pleads, "Everybody seemed to be counting on me; depending on me. But I wanted to depend on somebody" (Warren). God is a two way street where man is dependent on God, and God needs man's dedication. In the interdependent world people long to be the responsible, y et they also need someone to lean on. They need to be a soul and a soldier. The singer in the song realizes this shortcoming and is still seeking his identity with God. The singer sets the stage for the song in the opening phrases and points the listener to the religious basis of the material. In addition, he specifies the Christian religion. One of the opening lines, "When there's nowhere else to run, is there room for one more son" is a reference to Jesus as the son of God. This coincides with the Christian belief in Jesus as the Son of God, and illustrates the singer's belief that we are all children of God. He realizes that there is "room for one more son", but hasn't yet accepted the path to God. In addition, the singer is seeking God out of some fear as the line portrays the desperation of "nowhere left to run". The singer has been given the freedom of choice, the free will, and has postponed his becoming a child of God. Wildavsky states that, "Given human fallibility, and temptation to evil, the most the Almighty can do is show the way" (41). God has shown the singer the way, but the singer is still reluctant to take the steps needed to beco me a true child of God. The song further illustrates the singer's insecurity with God, and the ambiguous dedication that vacillates through time with the line "And my affection, well it comes and goes". The singer's soul moves in and out of grace as he searches for his meaning of God, and searches for his individual identity with God. The use of the word "affection" is an important indicator of his love for God and his will to be a part of God, yet is still lukewarm to a total dedication to the cause. The insecurity and unsure nature of his convictions are further shown in the lyric, "You know, you know - no, you don't, you don't". The singer is a soul that is caught in the limbo between intellectual understanding and action. His tepid love for God comes and goes, as his trust in God as all-knowing is there one moment and vanishes the next. The song's lack of trust in God may stem from the lack of trust in God's total knowledge and experience. The line "You know, you know - no, you don't, you don't', brings into question what it is that God does not know. On the one hand the singer contends, "I need direction to perfection", yet is unable to completely believe in God's perfection. Here again, the song exemplifies the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Difference in Hercules and Spiderman Essay Example for Free

Difference in Hercules and Spiderman Essay In many Greek hero myths and stories, protagonists are presented with a series of hardships or task they must past. In the book Mythology by Edith Hamilton Hercules tries to achieve atonement. He brainlessly accepts all the challenges that Eurystheus gave him, while Spiderman thinks thoroughly before he performs his actions. The tradition of achieving atonement has deteriorated away from modern culture myths. In the book Spiderman the hero of Stan Lee’s novels, Spiderman tries to achieve security and stability for his community. Hercules is driven to serve the society because of his guilt while Spiderman serves the society willingly, which shows the difference between the Greek and modern idea about serving the society. The guilt that drives Hercules and the effort to make the society a better place drives Spiderman, shows that the idea of atonement has faded away in modern myths. Greek heroes such as Hercules show heroism that is not displayed in modern day myths. Heroes such as Hercules do many things without thinking such as, encountering many creatures and performing tasks they would have never thought possible. For example, as Hercules tries to achieve atonement for the horrible acts that he has committed against his family and he must complete twelve tasks, one of which involves going down into the underworld: â€Å"His task was to bring Cerberus, the three-headed dog, up from Hades† (Hamilton 174). This task requires a lot of strength and courage as mentioned by Hamilton, â€Å"He lifted him and carried him all the way up to earth and on to Mycenae† (Hamilton 174). Without Hercules this task could not be accomplished by anyone. All twelve of the tasks that Hercules was to perform didn’t not require much intelligence or cleverness, just strength. In many Greek myths there are no brains involved in the deed or action executed, just senseless killing and other tests of strength. On the other hand Spiderman performs his heroic acts with not only with his strength but also with intelligence. By using intelligence Spiderman has a much better chance of accomplishing his duty. For example, while the Green Goblin tied up Spiderman he was, â€Å"†¦to quickly think how to escape† (Lee 87). Greek myths have evolved form heroes performing actions brainlessly to heroes performing action with intellectual aid. Many Greek heroes perform lawful acts for their community that modern day heroes do not perform. Many Greek heroes serve their community because they want to achieve atonement for the acts that they have performed. In the case of Hercules, â€Å"†¦a wrong who has sent the madness upon him† (Hamilton 169). Hercules had gone mad after his wife, Megara has borne him three sons, â€Å"He killed his children and Megara, too, as she tried to protect the youngest (Hamilton 169). As the story continues to go on Hercules lives the rest of his life wanting to avenge his own life for the awful act that he has committed. As Hercules rushes out to kill himself his friend Theseus stood before him telling him why he shouldn’t kill himself: â€Å"Even so, suffer and be strong,† (Hamilton 170). Theseus is implying that that Hercules should be strong and wait for death because, â€Å"†¦ he rejected the idea that a man could be guilty of a murder when he had not known what he was doing† (Hamilton 170). And so Hercules went on to his cousin Eurystheus and there his cousin gave him twelve tasks that he must perform in order to achieve death. As Hercules performs this action, he almost accomplishes them with ease and after finishing all of the tasks no death had been brought upon him so he brought death upon himself, and therefore avenged his actions against his family. In the case of Spiderman, he serves his community in order to have a safe and secure community for himself and for the city. Spiderman willingly risks his life to keep the community in which he lives a safe place. Clearly myths and stories have evolved from serving the community in order to achieve eternal piece to thinking about others and performing deeds for others. In conclusion, Hercules and Spiderman have many differences but their biggest difference is that Hercules performs his duties and heroic acts brainlessly, while Spiderman performs his heroic duties with intelligence and strategy. Our modern day myths no longer have the idea of atonement instead, the heroes serve their community willingly. This is what makes a hero a true hero.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Protestant Reformation And Martin Luther Religion Essay

The Protestant Reformation And Martin Luther Religion Essay The time of the Protestant Reformation was a time of great change in western society. The Roman Catholic Church would see its authority challenged in a way that was unprecedented and the world would bear witness to the beginning of many religious feuds and rivalries, some of which live on to this day. The roots of the movement lie in several different ideas that started to spread among the common people of Europe, starting in about 1500. People began to believe that they could access the grace of God through a personal relationship with him, without the need of the Church and its authorities as an intermediary. Many no longer saw the Pope as Gods right hand man, but instead as a religious profiteer who cared much more about making money than about tending to the spiritual needs of his followers. A feeling of anticlericalism was quickly spreading throughout the land. In response to the new found spiritual awakening experienced by many, Europe began to see new religious teachers and groups spring up all over. The Christian Humanists, Sir Thomas More, Erasmus, and many others helped to spread the new movement with their teachings, however out of all the great scholars of the Reformation, there are two who stand out more than any other. The teachings of Martin Luther and John Calvin resonate even today and they are still held up as heroes of Christianity by many. Martin Luther was undoubtedly the most persistent and most successful of all the reformers of his time. He challenged the Church loudly and directly and refused to back down over what he saw as both great errors in doctrine and great failures in spirituality. Luthers most important teaching originated from his own personal experiences before he began his fight against the Roman Church. He had always struggled with his own perceived sinfulness and could never understand how he could attain anything but the wrath from a just God. However, the textbook tells us that in an event known as the experience in the tower Luther came to understand that Gods mercy would grant him salvation. From then on, Luther taught that the removal of sin and bestowing of righteousness could only be obtained by faith in God, or justification by faith. In 1517 Luthers teachings began to take aim at the Church. It started when a friar began selling indulgences to the townspeople of Wittenberg, where Luther was living at the time. Luther witnessed the people of his town be scammed out of their money by the people who were supposed to be helping, by their religious leaders. This event filled Luther with a passionate anger and on October 31, 1517 he issued his most famous work, his ninety-five theses. This work displayed another of Luthers most important teachings, that the Pope only had authority to issue a pardon on the punishments that he had inflicted. For the next twenty years Luther would continue to publish more of his writings, helping him to expand and refine his teachings. He would teach for the rest of his life his most important message, that it was not through good works, the seven sacraments, or an indulgence that one achieved salvation, but through faith alone. Luther also insisted that the Bible was the one and only word of God and that it was the last word on Christianity. He would back up his opinion on this by tirelessly working for years translating the bible into German and trying to make it accessible to all people so that they could read and interpret it for themselves. Finally, Luther incorporated into his new Church only two of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church, baptism and the Lords Supper, however he disputed the Churchs claim that the Priest performed a miracle and transubstantiation occurred. John Calvin was also a great teacher of the Reformation. While Luther had already gotten the ball rolling, by the 1530s, Calvin was also making great contributions to the new belief system. Unlike Luther, Calvin was also a great organizer and worked not only at teaching the people his ideas but also at creating a new Church. Calvins teachings paralleled Luthers very much, and, like Luther, he also had a life changing experience he referred to has sudden conversion that set him on the course of religious work for the rest of his life. Like Luther, Calvin strongly believed that it was by faith alone that one could win salvation. He also incorporated only the baptism and Lords Supper into his teachings, tossing aside the other five sacraments of the Catholic Church. However, Calvin also had his own ideas about some aspects of Christianity. For instance, Calvin believed in the idea of predestination. According to the text, unlike Luther, who believed that people could be predestined for salvation, but not for damnation, Calvin made no distinction. Calvin believed that people were predestined by God for both salvation and damnation, and that nothing could be done in ones life to change that fate, but that they should be thankful for Gods just decision regardless. Calvin was also, as said earlier, a great organizer. He spent the last twenty years of his life working day and night to put together his Church. This is another area where Calvin and Luther differed. Where Luther only required that churches accept his teachings of justification by faith and the Bible as the word of God, and allowed them to keep any other traditional Church practices, Calvin was much stricter. Calvin did away with the luxuries of the traditional mass, getting rid of ornaments, singing, and other things he viewed as trivial, in favor more plain and minimal sermon. Calvin also held his followers to a stern code of morals. The textbook tells us that Calvin banned frivolous activities like dancing in favor of constant self-examination. Finally, thanks to his Institutes of the Christian Religion, his written work that he continued refining for the last thirty years of his life, his followers had a place to turn for any questions they might have had relating to religious p ractice and faith. Though the Protestant Reformation saw many great teachers contribute to one of the most significant events in western history, it is clear that Martin Luther and John Calvin left the greatest legacy of any. Today, nearly five hundred years later, we still talk about these men and their involvement in both society and religion. Even though they are no longer here, their work lives on and their ideas continue to find new adherents every day.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sufi Teachers and Redefining the Traditional Student-Teacher Relationsh

Sufi Teachers and Redefining the Traditional Student-Teacher Relationship "What does it mean-and more important, what should it mean--to be educated?" (58) A response to Spayd's begs another question. Is education the objective itself or the means to the objective? For some people education is just a degree, a piece of paper framed on the wall. One can say, a person with a diploma has received an education, but it is not certain that the person is educated. This paper relates to those individuals who use education as a means to reach their objective. For them, education is not a straight line with a definitive start and finish. It is a journey full of crossroads and choices, which require direction from a guide. For a student, the teacher is that guide. The teacher teaches the student how to find the right way in his journey and from time to time, help redefine student's objective. The teacher's role in a student's journey is a central issue for a fruitful education. A teacher's methodology and the relationship between student and teacher greatly affect the content of education and its relevance to real life. A student's role is equally important in an effective teacher-student relationship. As a receiver of information and training, the student must respect and love the teacher and also have keen interest in the subject matter. This paper is intended to focus on the importance of a teaching methodology, content and philosophy of teaching and learning for an effective and fruitful student-teacher relationship. A dramatic example of a powerful teacher-student interaction is found in the Sufi Order and the way the Dervish teach their students. By understanding the teacher-student relationship in the Sufi Order, one may... ...espect and admiration for the teacher in addition to having a keen interest in the subject matter. A Sufi Master's relationship with his student, however dramatic it may be, is the most productive and rewarding model for a life-long student-teacher relationship. Works Cited Helminski, Kabir. "Dervishhood". (9 March 2002). Spayde, John. "Learning in the Key of Life." The Presence of Others Voices and Images That Calls for Response. Lunsford and Ruszkiewicz. New York: Bedford St.Martin's, 2000 , 58-64. Lessing, Doris. "On Sufism and Idries Shah's The Commanding Self (1994)". January 31, 1999. (9 March 2002). "Initiation and search for a murshid". Hazrat Sultan Bahu . November 24, 2000. (9 March 2002).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

J.D. Salingers The Catcher In The Rye Essay -- Salinger Catcher Rye E

J.D. Salinger's The Catcher In The Rye   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The novel The Catcher In The Rye, by J.D. Salinger, contains many complex symbols, many of the symbols in the book are interconnected. A symbol is an object represents an idea that is important to the novel. I believe the most important symbol in this novel is Holden’s idea of being the â€Å"catcher in the rye†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Holden Caulfield, the main character in the novel, is not the typical sixteen year old boy. Holden has many characteristics that aren’t typical of anyone that I know. Holden is very afraid of growing up. He feels the adult world is â€Å"phony†, everyone in it, and everything associated with it. Holden never actually states that he is afraid of growing up, or that he hates the idea of it, instead he expresses his resistance to become an adult by making the adult world into a place full of â€Å"phony†, dishonest, and shallow people, and comparing it to the honest, innocent, and fun world a child lives in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout this book Holden’s main quest is to try and preserve the innocence in both him, and in everyone around him. He knows that adults have already taken the path leading to â€Å"phoniness†, but he tries to save children from this fate that toward the end of the book he sadly realizes is almost completely inevitable. In order to keep the â€Å"phoniness† from infecting the children’s life, and his, he thinks he needs to preserve the innocence of himself and of the children. The biggest example of his need to preserve the innocence in himself and in all the children he meets in the book is his vision of being the catcher in the rye.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Chapter 16 Holden hears a young boy singing a song that’s lyrics were â€Å"if a body catch a body coming through the rye.† Before seeing this boy Holden is walking down the street feeling rather depressed, like he is most of the time due to the fact that he gets depressed quite easily. Once Holden sees this boy he automatically cheers up. One reason for this is most likely because this young boy is walking on the side of the street instead of the sidewalk with his parents, which most other people would choose. This shows that this boy still has the innocence and does not feel the need to conform to everyone else yet as many adults do. I believe he also liked this boy because he says, â€Å"his parents paid no attention to him.† This displays the fact that the boy has a f... ...s going. Holden thinks it’s amazing that Phoebe is still seeing the same things he used to see all the time, every time he stepped foot into that museum he would always feel the same thing. No one feels comfortable with change, for the better or for the worse, but Holden especially isn’t. Holden says, â€Å"Certain things, they should stay the way they are. You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases.† He knows that this is impossible, but he wishes just the same. He wishes he could think of everything the way he thinks of Allie, his dead brother, completely innocent. Allie died when he was young and therefore never had to go through the transition into adulthood. He wishes that Jane could be stuck into a glass case, not die, but get stuck in a big glass case where she would still always keep her kings in the back row. Holden Caulfield wishes so much to be the â€Å"catcher in the rye†. This symbol in the book reveals many things about him and his thoughts. After this symbol and his talk about the lawyers we learn that his whole ideals he expresses before this in the book are totally superficial. This symbol is the most meaningful and complex symbol in the novel.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Detergent Powder

Introduction Detergent is a material intended to assist cleaning. The term is sometimes used to differentiate between soap and other surfactants used for cleaning. The term detergent by itself is sometimes used to refer specifically to clothing detergent, as opposed to hand soap or other types of cleaning agents. Bangladesh has a detergent market of about 8. 8 billion taka of which Unilever occupies a share of 48% making it the market leader. The major competitor brands in the detergent market for RIN are Keya, Chaka and Jet, Surf Excel.To fight this steep competition the above mentioned companies constantly run consumer promotion in hope to sell more than the respective competitors. Although this strategy worked well at first but with the passage of time, the intense consumer promotions have done little to prevent Unilever from loosing shares to its competitors. In 2004, Wheel (which is now RIN), Unilever’s largest detergent brand ran about nine consumer promotions where as i n 2005 it ran no consumer promotions at all. Consumer promotion over all is a very expensive affair.Unilever has the largest brands of detergent and so the cost of providing a consumer promotion offers is also large by the same proportion. Besides the competitor brands are known to involve in some unfair practices. They pay a very low wage rate to their labors so overhead costs are low, they under invoice their imported raw materials so that they can evade import taxes and other duties, so they save a lot of money in the process. They can then utilize this money for consumer promotion and other competitive activities that can earn them a higher share of the market.Therefore it is imperative that consumer promotions and other dependant elements have to be studied, to make sure that if a consumer promotion activity is implemented it is a highly effective one. This way, precious monetary resources have the minimum chances of being wasted. To understand the competition in the detergent market better price perceptions and product quality perceptions about the brands of detergent on promotion are also considered being worth studying. To look at market share issues, the brand loyalty element should also be explored. 1. 1 Brief Overview about the Detergent MarketThe use of washing powder started rising from late nineties after Unilever Bangladesh entered the market with its ‘Wheel' brand washing powder. Local brand Jet was the lone player in the washing power segment prior to Unilever's entry. Wheel Washing Powder (WWP) was launched in August of 1997 by leveraging the equity of the Wheel laundry soap. Wheel laundry soap was considered the best soap and stood for quality and care. The brand was initially launched and replaced the NSD powder brands of Unilever. WWP was launched with two stock keeping units (SKUs), 500g and 1 KG and achieved a volume of 2,280 tons in 5 months.Despite a price increase from beginning of the following year the brand showed a strong gr owth achieving the total annual volume of 12,700 tons; a third SKU of 40g was added to the brand during the year. 1999 a second price increase was taken for the larger two SKUs but the brand continued to show good growth, ending the year with a volume of 22,800 tons. A major re-launch was rolled out in beginning of 2000 for the brand, during the re-launch the packaging was significantly improved, the perfume was also improved and the proposition changed from lemon to Powerons.The innovation was a response to the launch of the competition Aromatic Washing powder. Prior to the re-launch, the competition was aggressively blocked with continuous promotion behind the brand. After the re-launch the brand grew and countered the competition in 2000, achieving a volume of 29,500 tons. In order to get an even faster growth in 2001 vs. 2000; the brand was aggressively promoted- which yielded in a growth of 43%; ending the year with a volume of 42,200 tons. With the explosive growth of WWP in 2 001, it attracted competition like Chaka and Keya, both of which entered the segment in beginning 2002.In order to contain competition and continue the growth of 2001, WWP maintained the high degree of promotions (free volume promotions) it failed to deliver any considerable growth as expected, however the volume sales increased to 46,500 tons. During the year WWP was re-staged with the ingredients changing from â€Å"Powerons† to â€Å"Powerfoam†. In 2003, WWP promotions were predominately cross-brand promos, with the cost born by the other brand. This resulted in good growth for WWP in 2003, ending the year with 48,000 tons.During the period of 2002 onward, the brand has been losing shares to competition and in order to differentiate the brand further a relaunch was planned in 2004 Q1. The RL involved incorporation of coloured granules to the powder and increase in incorporation of perfume by 25%. However there was no change in the formulation of the powder. Post the re-launch the share decline has not stopped, despite heavy support behind the brand. Unilever is now the leader in the market controlling half of the total washing powder market, the size of which was nearly Tk 450 crore in 2007, up from about Tk 360 a year ago. 1. 2 Market trendsToday’s consumer-oriented marketplace is characterized by a countless number of products and brands. Globalization causes increased competition, national borders disappear, consumers demand more and more, and the pressure on producers to efficiently and effectively live up to consumer’s expectations keeps increasing. For companies to survive these difficult circumstances and to secure their growth and market share figures, proper marketing techniques are of utmost importance. Besides printed and non-printed advertising techniques (such as TV and radio commercials, public relations and sponsorships), sales promotions try to attract consumers.Sales promotions can take many different forms and a distinction can be made between price and non-price sales promotions. 1. 3 Background Sales promotions have been studied very extensively over the past decades. The research findings from Blattberg, Briesch and Fox (1995) provide a perfect base to a short overview of promotional topics and generalizations regarding sales promotions. Nine generalizations regarding sales promotions are made that summarize sales promotion literature so far: – â€Å"Price promotions significantly increase sales – Brands with higher market share are less deal elastic Consumers’ reference prices are influenced by the frequency of deals – The more often a promotion occurs; the lower is the respective sales increase – Cross-promotional effects are asymmetric – The pass-through rate of retailers to consumers is less than 100% – Support promotions like displays and advertising that accompany a price promotion have a great impact on sales – Advertised p romotion can increase store traffic – Promotions affect sales in complementary and competitive categories† (Blattberg, Briesch ; Fox, 1995) Statement of the ProblemThere are many companies that are operating to serve the detergent markets; as a result the competition has heightened. Consumer promotions are being heavily used in the detergent markets to increase sales of each available brand. Consumer promotions, when implemented use up a lot monetary resources. Failure to implement the consumer promotion activity effectively may result in major loss of money. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between consumer promotions, price perceptions with product quality perceptions and brand loyalty in the detergent market of Bangladesh. LimitationsThere are vast amounts of information and write-ups relating to the topics of this research that are present in the internet and various other sources, but it were not possible to gain acce ss to many such information. So missing out some important aspect of the discussed topics can be a possibility. There is a major time constraint in doing the research work and preparing the report, a much larger pool of information could have been dealt with if there was more time to analyze them. A minimal sample size will be used for this research; if a larger sample was taken into consideration the research would have been more accurate.The survey will be conducted in Dhaka city which could be a possible reason for the people’s mind set to be similar and survey results not being very different from each other, the results could be different if people from outside metropolitan cities were brought under consideration. Literature Review Consumer Promotion Consumer promotion is thought to be a tool that helps manufacturers and retailers to achieve their objectives of generating sales (Alvarez and Casielles, 2004). Consumer promotion (e. g. oupons, samples, contests, sweepstake s, and price packs) is a part of sales promotion that is targeted towards the final buyers of consumer products (Kotler and Armstrong, 2002). There can be various types of consumer sales promotion some are incentive based while others are communicative in nature (Kotler et al. , 1999; Tellis, 1998). The incentive based promotions can be price – oriented promotion or non price-oriented promotion. According to Britannica (article 21279) advertising presents a reason to buy a product but consumer promotion offers a short-term incentive to purchase.Consumer promotions often attract brand switchers (those who are not loyal to a specific brand) who are looking primarily for low price and good value. Abraham and Lodish (1987) stated that many consumer goods categories sold 90% of their volume on special deals which is a result of consumer promotion. They also stated that the influence of sales promotions on the consumer will also depend on the consumer’s characteristics. Prom otions Price PromotionNon-price Promotion Promotion Packs Sampling POS Advertising Loyalty Discount Premiums DisplaysCoupons Sweeptakes Promotion Packaging Rebates Events Others From Sales Promotion by Gedenk; K. Neilson, Page- 34. Consumer benefits of sales promotions Benefits of sales promotions to consumers are numerous. Chandon, Wansink and Laurent (2000) for example distinguish six different types of consumer benefits regarding sales promotions: monetary savings, quality, convenience, value expression, exploration and entertainment. The first and most obvious benefit a consumer might encounter from a sales promotion is the monetary saving they provide.Second, consumers consider normally unaffordable products now to be in their choice set and therefore encounter the quality benefit. The convenience benefit, thirdly, is achieved by reduced search and decision efforts since sales promotions’ promotional status is advertised. Fourth, â€Å"sales promotions can enhance consu mers' self-perception of being smart or good shoppers and provide an opportunity to reaffirm their personal values† (Chandon, Wansink & Laurent, 2000) which is translated into the value expression benefit.The exploration benefit is achieved by the ever-changing shopping environment that provides stimulation for consumers’ information need. Last but not least, the sixth benefit consumers might encounter from sales promotions is the entertainment benefit. Sales promotions are often simply fun to see or to participate in (Chandon et al. ). Interesting to see is that consumers experience (either conscious or unconscious) more benefits from sales promotions than are often thought of. Price Perceptions According to Schiffman and Kanuk (2004) price perception is about how customers see a product’s price, as high, low or fair.They also stated that perception of price unfairness affect consumers’ perceptions of value and ultimately their willingness to buy a produc t. According to Moore et al. (2003) years of research concerned with price show both positive and negative perceptions serve as marketplace cues. Several studies have also portrayed the role of price perceptions as an attribute to success (Jiang and Rosenbloom, 2004). When the price perceptions are high this is a sign of positive quality, prestige and status (Moore et al. , 2003). The concept of reference price is related to price perceptions.Schiffman and Kanuk (2004) stated that reference price is the price the consumers use as a basis for comparison in judging another price. It is through reference price that the price perception of a brand of product is formed. When the consumer plans to buy a product, he or she will judge prices comparatively with the reference prices in order to determine whether the price is acceptable or not (Alvarez and Casielles, 2004). They also stated that, a result of consumers’ comparison between the prices and the reference price, potential los ses and gains emerge.The consumer perceives a gain when the reference price is higher than the observed price. If the observed price is higher than the reference price, the consumer experiences a loss. Product Quality Perceptions Product quality perceptions represent consumer judgment about the superiority of a product, which the user-based approaches think is essential in describing quality (Forker et al. , 1996). Bundles of attributes together represent a certain level of quality, which therefore provide utility to the customer (Snoj et al. 2004). The benefits are measured through a perceived level of quality (level of working superiority), a bundle of attributes in comparison with the consumer’s expectations. Schiffman and Kanuk (2004) stated consumers often judge the quality of a product on the basis of a variety of informational cues that they associate with the product. They also stated that the cues can either be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic cues are related to th e physical characteristics of the product itself, like size, colour, flavour, aroma etc.The extrinsic cues on the other hand are related to elements that are put together with the actual product like packaging, pricing, advertising etc. The perceived quality of products and services is central to the theory that strong brands add value to consumers' purchase evaluations (Low and Lamb, 2000). Brand Loyalty Brand loyalty is the ultimate desired outcome of consumer learning (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2004). According to Rawly and Dawes (1999) brand loyalty is the likelihood of positive attitudes and behaviors of consumers towards a particular brand, this could amount to repeat purchase and positive word of mouth.They also stated that a loyal customer base is an asset for a company and it reduces the need for seeking new customers. It is also a known fact that retaining current customers requires less money and effort than getting new ones. The strongest measure of brand value is the loyalty a company produces among customers (Aaker, 1996). Rowley and Dawes (1999) stated that to understand brand loyalty better the following components of attitude model should be considered: 1. Cognitive component – associated with a â€Å"rational† decision making based on informational determinants. 2.Affective component – associated with emotions and feelings about the product or service. 3. Co native components – associated with a behavioral disposition. Research Questions The following questions have to be addressed for the study: 1. Is there any significant relationship between consumer promotion and product quality perception in the detergent market of Bangladesh? 2. Is there any significant relationship between price perception and product quality perception in the detergent market of Bangladesh? 3. Is there any significant relationship between consumer promotion and brand loyalty in the detergent market of Bangladesh? . Is there any significant relat ionship between price perception and brand loyalty in the detergent market of Bangladesh? 5. Is there any significant relationship between product quality perception and brand loyalty in the detergent market of Bangladesh? Hypothesis The hypothesis that can be derived from the research questions are: 1. There is significant relationship between consumer promotion and product quality perception in the detergent market of Bangladesh. 2. There is significant relationship between price perception and product quality perception in the detergent market of Bangladesh. . There is significant relationship between consumer promotion and brand loyalty in the detergent market of Bangladesh. 4. There is significant relationship between price perception and brand loyalty in the detergent market of Bangladesh. 5. There is significant relationship between product quality perception and brand loyalty in the detergent market of Bangladesh. Development of Conceptual Framework * Consumer Promotion * Pr ice perception Product Quality Perception Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of research variables * Consumer Promotion * Price Perception Product Quality Perception Brand Loyalty Figure 2: Conceptual Framework of research variables Methodology Research design The illustrations of the conceptual framework Figure 1 and 2 above give a visual idea of the relationship and structure that exists among the study variables. The main purpose of the research is to assess the existing correlation among the variables. This research is about exploring and understanding the relationship that exists between consumer promotion, price perception with product quality perceptions and brand loyalty in the detergent market.Here in the figure 1the independent variables are assigned to be consumer promotions and price perceptions. The dependant variable on the other hand is product quality perception. In the second figure 2 the independent variables are consumer promotions, price perceptions and product quali ty perceptions, in this case the dependant variable is brand loyalty. So the researcher is attempting to find out, if any changes in the independent variable have a changing effect on the dependant ones as well, thereby proving that a relationship exists.The researcher also tried to find out the degree to which a change in the dependant variables has an impact on the independent ones, in other words the degree of relation is also explored here. Therefore the correlation study was chosen for this research. Sampling method The required data for this research was collected from the regular customers of detergents. There was no particular sample frame available for this research so convenience sampling was used, as it is also the cheapest and the easiest methods of sampling.The sample frame for this research consisted of shoppers (mainly house wives) at different shopping centers and stores etc, and also the parents of school children were included. In the shopping centers the researche r surveyed the people who seemed to be the most appropriate respondent for this kind of survey. The parents of kindergarten students, who spend time waiting for their kids outside the schools, were also surveyed, because they usually have a lot of time to spare and can give valuable inputs. Due to time constraints the survey was conducted in Dhaka city only. Over all there were about a 240 people who participated in the survey.Survey instrument A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. The questionnaire consists of different parts to gather information on the different variables under considerations. With questionnaires, no responses of the respondents can be missed out. It gives more time to the respondents to think and then give the answers. And it is a quicker and cheaper way to conduct the survey. Questionnaires can be conducted in any environment, with minimum influence of the outside environment. Questionnaires also have the advantage of keeping the personal details of the respondents confidential.MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS In which respondents have to choose one answer from many options. These questions gives a wide choice to the respondents so that they can give the most accurate and reliable answer. LIKERT SCALE Where the respondents are provided with a scale that has a number or brief description associated with each category. This scale is useful as respondents readily understand how to use the scale, making it suitable for almost all kind of surveys. Data Collection The data collection was done through both primary and secondary sources.The primary data was collected through questionnaire surveys and the secondary data was collected from the available archives of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd, for addressing the research questions. Data Analysis This is a study of relationship of various variables. So after the data collection a correlation analysis was performed using the acquired data, to ascertain if relationship between the variables exist or not. For doing the data analysis SPSS 12 was used, because it is a very systematic computer program that can deal with a large amount of data and can give out accurate results.